

The Jacksonville University 海洋科学先锋奖 is presented to an exemplary leader in marine science whose visionary leadership has served as an inspiration to 其他人,尤其是学生. 他们的影响远远超出了海洋科学. 这个非凡的人完全拥抱了大学的终身理想 学习者,发挥自己卓越的才能,创造新的机会 lead, live, and learn.


Past Award Recipients

October 22, 2022

Dr. Marcia McNutt


Dr. Marcia McNutt

Marcia McNutt 是地球物理学家和国家科学院院长. From 2013 to 2016年担任《全球赌博十大网站》杂志主编. Prior to joining Science, she was director of the U.S. 美国地质调查局(USGS)从2009年到2013年.During her 在此期间,美国地质勘探局应对了许多重大灾害,包括2009年的地震 海地,智利和日本,以及深水地平线石油泄漏事件. McNutt led a team of government scientists and engineers at BP headquarters in Houston who helped contain the oil and cap the well. 她指导流速技术小组进行了估算 溢油活跃阶段的油排放速率. 对于她的贡献,她 was awarded the U.S. 海岸警卫队功勋奖章. Before joining the USGS, McNutt served as president and chief executive officer of the Monterey Bay Aquarium 加州莫斯兰丁市的研究所(MBARI). During her time at MBARI, 该机构成为开发生物和化学传感器的领导者 远程海洋部署,在美国安装了第一个深海电缆天文台.S. waters, 推进了人工智能与自主水下的融合 用于复杂海底任务的载具.

From 2000 to 2002, McNutt served as president of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). She was chair of the Board of Governors for Joint Oceanographic Institutions, responsible 国际海洋钻井计划的船舶JOIDES Resolution 以及相关的研究项目. 麦克纳特在麻省理工学院开始了她的学术生涯 在麻省理工学院,她是E.A. 格里斯沃尔德地球物理学教授 并主持了海洋学/应用海洋科学联合项目 & Engineering, 由麻省理工学院和伍兹霍尔海洋研究所联合提供. Her research 面积是上地幔和岩石圈在地质时间尺度上的动态, 这项工作使她到遥远的大陆和海洋进行实地观察. 

She is a veteran of more than a dozen deep-sea expeditions, on most of which she was 首席或联合首席科学家. McNutt received a B.A. 从科罗拉多学院获得物理学学位 and her Ph.D. 斯克里普斯海洋研究所的地球科学博士. She holds 科罗拉多学院,明尼苏达大学荣誉博士学位, Monmouth University, the Colorado School of Mines, University of Miami, Uppsala University, Michigan State University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, George Washington University, 波士顿大学,德克萨斯州&和印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校. 

McNutt is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Philosophical 美国艺术与科学学会和美国艺术与科学学会的一名外籍成员 Royal Society, UK, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is a fellow of AGU, the Geological Society of America, the American Association 科学促进会,以及国际大地测量协会. In 1988, she was awarded AGU’s Macelwane Medal for research accomplishments by a young scientist, 2007年,她因对深海的贡献获得了莫里斯·尤因奖章 exploration.


October 21, 2021

Dr. Dawn Wright


Dr. Dawn Wright

Dr. Dawn  Wright is Chief Scientist at Esri, a world-leading geographic information system (GIS) software and data science company. Esri的核心使命是激励并使人们能够 positively impact their future by connecting them with the geoanalytic knowledge needed 做出影响地球的关键决定. Hence, Esri believes that geography是一个更具弹性和可持续性的未来的核心. She was appointed to this post in October 2011 after 17 years as a professor of geography and oceanography at 俄勒冈州立大学. 作为Esri的首席科学家,黎明号直接向 the Esri CEO with a mission of strengthening the scientific foundation for Esri software 同时在国际科学界代表Esri. She maintains an affiliated faculty appointment as Professor of Geography and Oceanography 奥斯特大学地球、海洋和大气科学学院的教授.

Dawn’s research interests include geospatial data science; seafloor mapping, coastal/ocean 信息学和环境教育. 她撰写或合作撰写了超过 180 articles and 12 books on marine geographic information systems, hydrothermal activity 洋中脊的构造学,以及海岸/海洋信息学. Dawn has participated 在世界范围内的20多次海洋研究考察中,包括10次 Ocean Drilling Program, three dives in the deep submergence vehicle Alvin and twice in the Pisces V. 她的野外工作将她带到了一些地质最活跃的地方 regions of the planet, including the East Pacific Rise, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Juan de Fuca Ridge, the Tonga Trench, and volcanoes under the Japan Sea and the Indian Ocean. 1991年,她成为第一个潜入深海的 非洲裔 女性 深潜器的底板.

Dawn’s recent advisory board service, includes the NOAA Science Advisory Board, the 美国国家科学院海洋研究委员会,指南针科学委员会 Communication Inc.,海洋发现XPRIZE,以及许多 期刊 编辑委员会. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Geological 美国学会, 海洋学会, 加州科学院, 斯坦福大学的利奥波德领导力项目,以及俄勒冈大学的前教授 the Year. 2021年4月,她当选为美国国家科学院院士 美国艺术学院 & Sciences. 她拥有个人跨学科学位 Ph.D. 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校自然地理学和海洋地质学硕士.S. in Oceanography from Texas A&M, and a B.S. 伊利诺伊州惠顿学院(Wheaton College)地质学优等生. Other interests include road cycling, 18th-century pirates, apricot green tea gummy bears, 她的金毛猎犬 小狗 莱利和 海绵宝宝 方裤. Follow her on Twitter at @deepseadawn.


October 21, 2019

Dr. Edith Widder

首席执行官兼海洋研究高级科学家 & Conservation Association

Eddie WidderDr. 伊迪丝·威德是一位国际知名的深海探险家,也是英国海底探险公司的创始人 Ocean Research & 保护协会(ORCA),一个以科学为基础的保护组织 nonprofit. A specialist in bioluminescence (the light chemically produced by many ocean organisms), Widder has been a leader to design and invent submersible instrumentation and equipment 实现不显眼的深海观测. 与工程师一起工作,她怀孕了 并制造了一些设备,使人类能够以新的方式看到海浪下面.

威德的两项发明包括HIDEX,一种深度光度计和美国.S. Navy standard for measuring bioluminescence in the ocean to keep submarines hidden, and LoLAR, an ultrasensitive deep-sea light meter that measures dim down-welling sunlight and bioluminescence in the deep ocean.

威德是一名经过认证的大气潜水系统科学研究飞行员 holds certifications to dive the deep diving suit WASP, as well as the single-person “深海漫游者”和“深海工作者”无人潜航器. 她已经潜水250多次了 JOHNSON-SEA-LINK潜水器.

Following 16 years as senior scientist at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Widder established ORCA to pioneer work in marine exploration and conservation, invent new 海洋技术和保护海洋. 她创建了ORCA的远程操作深海 camera system Eye-in-the-Sea (EITS), which detects and measures the bioluminescence of nearby organisms on the sea floor and has produced footage of rare sharks, jellyfish 在它们的自然栖息地发现了一种新的大型鱿鱼.

韦德在2006年被授予麦克阿瑟奖学金,并参加了2010年的TED 前往加拉帕戈斯群岛的蓝色使命之旅还有其他著名的思想家和 海洋保育倡议者. 她的研究和发明已成为专题报道 BBC, PBS和国家地理的电视制作. 2012年,韦德和几个 其他科学家首次在其自然栖息地拍摄了巨型乌贼. 这段具有历史意义的录像于1月9日在探索频道播出. 2013. In June 2019 she 在美国水域用同样的摄像系统重复了这一壮举.

Widder graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University where she received a Bachelor 生物学理学学士学位. 她还获得了生物化学硕士学位 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校授予的神经生物学博士学位.


October 23, 2018

Chris Fischer

Jacksonville University Explorer-In-Residence, OCEARCH Founding Chairman and Expedition Leader 

Chris Fischer克里斯·费舍尔是一名海洋探险家,他已经带领了32次全球探险 the ocean’s rejuvenation to balance and abundance, by unlocking the life history puzzle of white sharks and other keystone species through expeditions aboard his ship, the OCEARCH. 费舍尔的多学科合作方法使174名科学家 来自90个国际和地区机构,大大提高了效率 以及海洋研究的有效性.  这导致了22篇科学论文的发表 还有30多篇论文正在进行中.  这项研究正在推动以数据为中心的发展 policy decisions.  菲舍尔一直致力于海洋环境保护政策 许多国家的总统,包括美国总统.S. 费舍尔相信创造 励志学习环境. 2013年,OCEARCH的全球鲨鱼追踪器启动. This website and app allows students, the public, and scientists to learn about sharks 同时在全球范围内近乎实时地追踪它们. 2014年,STEM课程 的基础上,介绍了.  从那时起,已有100多个教案被下载 in 45 states. 2017年,OCEARCH与杰克逊维尔大学联手培养 unique opportunities for college student-centric education and promote experiential learning.  学生不仅在课堂上受益于这种合作, 但他们也参与了高水平研究的前沿. From 2009 to 2012年,费舍尔在国家地理频道和10频道主持了30小时的电视节目 在历史频道的节目中,记录了对大白鲨的研究. From 2001 到2009年,他主持了四次获得艾美奖的《全球网络赌博平台》.”  It was 第一名观看户外电视连续剧,目标是把海洋重新投入其中 people’s lives, as Fischer believes that most people are disconnected from the ocean. Fischer has received numerous recognitions, including The Explorers Club Lowell Thomas Medal for Imagination in Exploration and the Nominee Trust 100 Award for top social innovators list.  OCEARCH已在超过10,000个网点进行了推广,包括 纽约时报,CNN, CBS早间新闻,华尔街日报,今日美国和 世界上大多数主要的新闻媒体组织. 他的工作得到了支持 socially innovative partnerships with Costa Sunglasses, SeaWorld, Jacksonville University, 雪人冷却器和南方潮汐.


October 10, 2017 

Dr. Robert Ballard


Dr. Robert Ballard

Dr. Robert Ballard is Founder and President of the Ocean Exploration Trust; Director of the Center for Ocean Exploration and Professor of Oceanography at the University 罗德岛大学海洋学研究生院的教授. 他是一名驻校探险家 美国国家地理学会委员.S. 海洋政策委员会, 也是伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的资深荣誉科学家. He served in the U.S. 在海军工作了30多年,并继续与海军办公室合作 Research. 在深海潜水器和远程操作的发展的先驱 车辆系统,他参加了140多次深海探险. In 1985, he discovered the RMS Titanic, and has succeeded in tracking down numerous other significant shipwrecks, including the German battleship Bismarck, the lost fleet of Guadalcanal, the U.S. “约克镇”号航空母舰和约翰. Kennedy’s boat, PT-109. He has also discovered hydrothermal vents and “black smokers” in the Galapagos Rift and East Pacific Rise in 1977 and 1979. 他是众多书籍、科学论文和文章的作者, 他曾出现在几个国家地理电视节目中,包括 《全球赌博十大网站》(Secrets of the Titanic),以及最近的一部五集迷你剧《全球赌博十大网站》(Alien Deep with Bob Ballard.“他是史蒂夫·斯皮尔伯格(Steve Spielberg)在未来主义电视节目中的特别顾问 show seaQuest DSV. 他的荣誉包括22个国家地理荣誉博士学位 最高奖项,哈伯德奖章,以及国家人文基金会奖章. 他于2014年当选为美国艺术与科学院院士.